Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good Mail Day

On Monday January 21, I began the adventure that is Interim Manger. After a week of it, I'm not certain I would take the actual manager job if they offered it to me right now. Maybe next week, but today, I would have to think and think hard! But then cats and two bedroom apartments have been playing on my mind a lot lately. It makes me feel sorta bad when I think that my Living room is also my Sewing room which is sad for anyone who wants to come visit, because my sewing area is in a constant state of ill repair shall we say....
On recommendation from a very lovely person I picked up a couple books by Sarah Caudwell, Wonderful Who donnit type books but with really really good word usage. I love words they do fascinate me. One word I have picked up on lately is Enigmatic, granted it is not that big a work, but do you know what it means? Today at work I said a whole sentence that was in "big words" and the two girls I was talking to both looked at me confused. It was awesome! But don't ask me what I said, it was contextual and I can't for the life of me remember what it was.
On one of the rougher days last week I had great Mail day, in fact it was Thursday. How odd, Thursdays are always good days, but not last Thursday, work was miserable! Oh but it was a good mail day, so I guess it still holds true. I didn't get to open my good mail though until Friday because I fell into bed when I got home, just after I put the ice pack on my knee, and fell asleep. I had a fall at work and got the biggest bump and bruise covering the majority of the knee area on my leg. I sent a picture to my mom, but figured the rest of the world doesn't need to see such things... Anyway, I got a box and three books. Two were the Sarah Caudwell books and the other was Knitting without Tears by Elizabeth Zimmerman. The box? well that was a box of yarn from Beaverslide, Montana. Below is the picture of the sweater I want to make with the yarn and above the yarn itself.
Have a wonderful day


  1. Yay! I'm so excited you're reading Sarah Caudwell! Woo-hoo!

    Your gorgeous gorgeous pattern the other day inspired me to sign up for a knitting class. It doesn't start for a couple of weeks, so in the meantime I'm practicing on my own. Last night I finally figured out purling, and I am sooo proud of myself. Of course, I drop stitches like mad, so any patterns I attempt end up pretty funky, but that'll come!

    Do you have any "must have" knitting books?

  2. Great looking pattern, Megan! Good luck with it.

    Sarah Caudwell...I may check out the library today!
