Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Green Dishcloth

Hello All,
Today I am putting up an image of my first dishcloth. I feel certain I will make many more as time wears on.
This dishcloth is called The Idiot's Dish Cloth. I found the instructions online, and indeed it did turn out to be a very very easy pattern to follow, it takes almost no brain work to get it right. Hooray for easy things! The other perk was that I made it in just two sittings. about an hour each. While listening to an Elizabeth Peter's book on my iPod Shuffle. I would encourage any of you who are interested in a good book to pick up one of hers! they are worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I could never do something like this. I saw it half done and am amazed it is already finished. Way to go!
